1   teiHeader

1.1   fileDesc

The “fileDesc” element contains the descriptive metadata of the TEI document arranged in the following elements:

  • titleStmt : titles and contributors
  • publicationStmt: information about electronic publishing
  • sourceDesc: information about the source of the document. They will take on a different meaning depending on the use of the TEI document

1.1.1   titleStmt   titles, subtitles, overtitles, translated titles


Title: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/title[@type='main']
Subtitle: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/title[@type='sub']
Overtitle: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/title[@type='sup']
Translated titles: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/title[@type='alt' and @xml:lang]


  • no line break (<lb />), only one element title per type ;
  • lower case except initial, not ending with a dot;
  • for translated titles the attribute xml:lang is mandatory with a value in ISO 639-1 format.


        <title type="sup">Dolor sit amet</title>
        <title type="main">Lorem ipsum pour Opentext</title>
        <title type="sub">Basé sur le modèle éditorial pour Lodel de OpenEdition</title>
        <title type="alt" xml:lang="en">Other travelling salesmen live a life of luxury</title>
        <title type="alt" xml:lang="es">Las preocupaciones son mucho mayores</title>
[...]   Authors, editors, translators


Author: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/author/
Translator: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/editor[@role='translator']
Scientific editor: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/editor[not(@role)]
Excavations director: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/editor[@role='excavationsdirector']
Collaborator: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/editor[@role='collaborator']
  • Contributors’ names
First name: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/author/persName/forename
Last name: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/author/persName/surname
  • Names of Translators, Scientific Editor, Excavation Director, Collaborator
First name: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/editor/persName/forename
Last name: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/editor/persName/surname
  • Authors’ description
Affiliation: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/author/orgName
Function: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/author/roleName[@type='function']
Prefix: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/author/roleName[@type='honorific']
Email: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/author/email
Website: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/author/ref[@type='website']
  • Description of the Translator, Scientific Editor, Excavation Director, Collaborator
Description: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/editor/affiliation
Affiliation: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/editor/orgName
Function: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/editor/roleName[@type='function']
Prefix: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/editor/roleName[@type='honorific']
Email: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/editor/email
Website: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/titleStmt/editor/ref[@type='website']


  • it is possible to add several authors, translators, etc. for the document;
  • possibility to add descriptions for each contributor, the general description is indicated in the tag <affiliation> ;
  • pay attention to the case and spelling to avoid duplicates in indexes.


       <name>Marin Dacos</name>
           Directeur du Cléo (Centre pour l'édition électronique ouverte)
       <roleName type="function">
       <ref target="http://www.openedition.org" type="website">http://www.openedition.org</ref>
       <roleName type="honorific">
   <editor role="translator">
       <affiliation>Chargé d'édition au Cléo</affiliation>
       <affiliation>Développeur au Cléo</affiliation>

1.1.2   publicationStmt   Date of electronic publication


Date of electronic publication: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/publicationStmt/date


  • date in format DD/MM/YYYYY;
  • do not use for OpenEdition Books (the date is defined at book level);
  • for OpenEdition Journals it is important to provide an electronic publication date: if not, it will be automatically filled in by Lodel and updated if the document is reloaded.

Electronic publication date for journals with embargo period on OpenEdition Journals

  • must match the date of the embargo end, calculated by adding the embargo duration to the print publication date;
  • used by Lodel to manage document availability: display metadata and summary during the embargo period then provide access to full text;   Publisher, Distributor


publisher: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/publicationStmt/publisher
distributor: /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/publicationStmt/distributor


  • Only used in the platform’s output TEI.


    <publisher>Université de Poitiers</publisher>
</publicationStmt>   Identifier


Document number : /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/publicationStmt/idno[@type='documentnumber']
URL : /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/publicationStmt/idno[@type='url']
DOI : /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/publicationStmt/idno[@type='doi']


  • Document number: editorial information displayed in the electronic reference of the document, used to simplify the citation of electronic documents;
  • URL and DOI: only used in the platform’s output TEI.


    <idno type="documentnumber">24</idno>
    <idno type="url">http://journals.openedition.org/remi/7777</idno>
    <idno type="doi">10.4000/remi.7777</idno>
</publicationStmt>   License


License : /TEI/teiHeader/fileDesc/publicationStmt/availability


  • Used to fill in the license that applies to the document, add an entry to the site’s license index.


    <availability>La revue In Situ. Au regard des sciences sociales
                  est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons
                  Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 4.0 International.

1.1.3   sourceDesc


The sourceDesc element contains information about the source document that was used to produce this TEI document. It will have a different meaning depending on the use of the TEI document:

  • when importing a document unto Lodel, sourceDesc will contain metadata related to the printed edition if applicable;
  • in the export “sourceDesc” will contain the metadata of the publication context on OpenEdition (on the journal, issue, book…).   biblFull


The “biblFull” element is deprecated from version 1.6.2 of the TEI OpenEdition XML schema   biblStruct


The “biblStruct” element is supported:

  • OEJ and OEB import: from the 1.6.2 version of the OpenEdition XML TEI schema;
  • OE export: from the 1.6.0 version of the OpenEdition XML TEI schema   biblStruct/analytic


Title: /TEI/teiHeader/sourceDesc/biblStruct/analytic/title[@type='main']
Subtitle: /TEI/teiHeader/sourceDesc/biblStruct/analytic/title[@type='sub']
Overtitle: /TEI/teiHeader/sourceDesc/biblStruct/analytic/title[@type='sup']
Translated titles: /TEI/teiHeader/sourceDesc/biblStruct/analytic/title[@type='alt' and @xml:lang]
Author: /TEI/teiHeader/sourceDesc/biblStruct/analytic/author/
Translator: /TEI/teiHeader/sourceDesc/biblStruct/analytic/editor[@role='translator']
Scientific editor: /TEI/teiHeader/sourceDesc/biblStruct/analytic/editor[not(@role)]
Excavation director: /TEI/teiHeader/sourceDesc/biblStruct/analytic/editor[@role='excavationsdirector']
Collaborator: /TEI/teiHeader/sourceDesc/biblStruct/analytic/editor[@role='collaborator']


  • Only used in the OpenEdition’s output TEI, the analytic element contains the titles and contributors of the TEI document.   biblStruct/monogr


  • Titles
Journal Title (Journal):
Title of the section for articles published out of issue (journal):
Translated titles of the section for articles published out of issue (journal):
TEI/teiHeader/sourceDesc/biblStruct/monogr/title[@level='s' and @type='alt']
Title of the book or issue (Book and Journal):
Translated title of the book or issue (Book and Journal):
/TEI/teiHeader/sourceDesc/biblStruct/monogr/title[@level='m' and @type='alt']
  • Identifiers (Journal)
Electronic ISSN:
Print ISSN:
Issue URL:
/TEI/teiHeader/sourceDesc/biblStruct/monogr/idno[@type='url' and @subtype='issue']
Issue DOI:
/TEI/teiHeader/sourceDesc/biblStruct/monogr/idno[@type='doi' and @subtype='issue']
Section URL
/TEI/teiHeader/sourceDesc/biblStruct/monogr/idno[@type='url' and @subtype='serie']
Section DOI:
/TEI/teiHeader/sourceDesc/biblStruct/monogr/idno[@type='doi' and @subtype='serie']
  • Identifiers (Book)
Electronic ISBN:
Print ISBN:
Book URL:
/TEI/teiHeader/sourceDesc/biblStruct/monogr/idno[@type='url' and @subtype='book']
Book DOI:
/TEI/teiHeader/sourceDesc/biblStruct/monogr/idno[@type='doi' and @subtype='book']
  • Information on the print edition
Pagination of the print edition (Book and Journal):
Issue (Journal):
Date of print publication (Book and Journal):
Publisher (Book and Journal)


  • In OpenEdition TEI export, the “monogr” element contains the metadata related to the publication environment of the TEI document (book, issue, section, review);

  • When importing articles on OpenEdition Journals or book chapters on OpenEdition Books (import OB), the following elements are supported:

    • Pagination of the print edition (OJ import and OB import);
    • Date of print publication (import OJ). On OpenEdition Books the print publication date is defined at the book level.
  • Print publication date: date in format DD/MM/YYYYY; do not use this date for OpenEdition Books;

  • Pagination: filled in Roman numbers (V-XXV) or Arabic numbers (5-25), without the mentions p. or pp.;

  • Bibliographical reference: used to specify the bibliographical reference of the document’s printed edition.   biblStruct/series


Title of the serie:
Translated title of the serie:
/TEI/teiHeader/sourceDesc/biblStruct/series/title[@level='s' and @type='alt']
Electronic ISSN of the serie:
Print ISSN of the serie:
URL of the serie:


  • In OpenEdition TEI export, for book chapters only, the series element contains the metadata related to the publishing environment of the TEI document (series).   biblStruct Examples

Journal article (import OEJ)

                <biblScope unit="page">39-56</biblScope>
                <date type="published" when="2016-10-24">2016-10-24</date>

Journal article (OpenEdition export)

   <biblStruct type="article">
            <title level="a" type="main">La formation des étudiants marocains dans les pays de l’Est de l’Europe (1960-2015)</title>
            <title level="a" type="alt" xml:lang="en">Moroccan Students’ Training in Eastern Europe Countries (1960-2015)</title>
            <title level="a" type="alt" xml:lang="es">La formación de los estudiantes marroquíes en los países de Europa del Este (1960-2015)</title>
                    Enseignant-chercheur, Département de sociologie, Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines de Mohammedia, Université Hassan II, Casablanca B.P 546, Mohammedia, Maroc ; kmellakh@yahoo.fr
            <title level="j">Revue européenne des migrations internationales</title>
            <idno type="eISSN">1777-5418</idno>
            <idno type="pISSN">0765-0752</idno>
            <title level="m">Former des élites : mobilités des étudiants d'Afrique au nord du Sahara dans les pays de l'ex-bloc socialiste</title>
            <title level="m" type="alt" xml:lang="en">Training Elites: Mobilities of Students of Africa North of Sahara to the Former Socialist Block</title>
            <title level="m" type="alt" xml:lang="es">Formar a las élites: movilidades de los estudiantes de África del norte del Sáhara hacia el ex-bloque socialista</title>
            <idno type="doi" subtype="issue">10.4000/remi.7751</idno>
            <idno type="url" subtype="issue">http://journals.openedition.org/remi/7751</idno>
                <publisher>Université de Poitiers</publisher>
                <biblScope unit="page">39-56</biblScope>
                <biblScope unit="issue">vol. 32 - n°2</biblScope>
                <date type="published" when="2016-10-24">2016-10-24</date>

Book chapter (OpenEdition export)

<biblStruct type="chapter">
        <title level="a" type="main">Albert Cossery écrit‑il arabe ?</title>
        <title level="m">Savants, amants, poètes et fous</title>
        <idno type="pISBN">9782351597521</idno>
        <idno type="eISBN">9782351595503</idno>
        <idno type="doi" subtype="book">10.4000/books.ifpo.13332</idno>
        <idno type="url" subtype="book">http://books.openedition.org/ifpo/13332</idno>
            <publisher>Presses de l’Ifpo</publisher>
            <publisher>Centre français d'archéologie et de sciences sociales (Cefas)</publisher>
            <biblScope unit="page">133-157</biblScope>
            <date type="published" when="2019">2019</date>
        <title level="s">Contemporain publications</title>
        <idno type="pISSN">2225-7578</idno>
        <idno type="url">http://books.openedition.org/ifpo/62</idno>

1.2   encodingDesc

Contains formatting declarations in the tagsDecl element. See 2.2.3   Text layout: hi tags, rend and rendition attributes

1.3   profileDesc

1.3.1   Index: keywords, geography, chronology, themes, etc.


Index : /TEI/teiHeader/profileDesc/textClass/keywords[@scheme and @xml:lang]/list/item
Person index, use of <persName>: /TEI/teiHeader/profileDesc/textClass/keywords[@scheme]/list/item/persName/forename and /TEI/teiHeader/profileDesc/textClass/keywords[@scheme]/list/item/persName/surname


  • allowed values for the ‘scheme’ attribute:
  • <keywords scheme="keywords" lang="fr"> : keyword index (mandatory ‘xml:lang’ attribute with a value in ISO 639-1 format);
  • <keywords scheme="geographical">: Geographical index;
  • <keywords scheme="chronological">: Chronological index;
  • <keywords scheme="subject">: Thematic index;
  • <keywords scheme="personcited">: Cited persons index.
  • pay attention to the case and spelling to avoid duplicates in indexes.


        <keywords scheme="keyword" xml:lang="fr">
        <keywords scheme="chronological">
                <item>XXIe siecle</item>
        <keywords scheme="geographical">
                <item>Ile de France</item>
        <keywords scheme="personcited">

1.3.2   Language


Language: /TEI/teiHeader/profileDesc/langUsage/language


  • Language: value in ISO 639-1 format;

